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Winter has arrived, and with it comes the promise of snowy adventures and unforgettable memories. But for the youth of Philly DREAM, this winter holds something extra special: a journey to Camp DREAM in Vermont, where the magic of the season truly comes to life.

A Winter Wonderland Awaits

Nestled amidst the breathtaking beauty of Vermont's snow-covered landscape, Camp DREAM offers a haven for adventure seekers and nature lovers alike. From exhilarating skiing and snowboarding to peaceful snowshoeing treks through pristine forests, there's no shortage of excitement to be found.

For the Philly youth embarking on this journey, the prospect of exploring this winter wonderland is nothing short of thrilling. Many have rarely experienced the joy of playing in the snow or feeling the rush of zooming down a snowy slope. But thanks to this opportunity, they'll not only discover new passions but also forge bonds that will last a lifetime.

The Power of Camp DREAM: Beyond Winter

While the winter adventures at Camp DREAM are undoubtedly a highlight, the benefits of visiting extend far beyond the snowy season. Camp DREAM offers a nurturing environment where youth can disconnect from the pressures of everyday life and reconnect with nature and themselves.

Throughout the year, Camp DREAM provides a range of activities aimed at promoting personal growth, leadership skills, and resilience. From summer enrichment filled with outdoor adventures to year-round retreats focused on team-building and self-discovery, there's something for every young adventurer to explore.

Building Resilience and Community

One of the most significant benefits of visiting Camp DREAM is the sense of community it fosters. Away from the distractions of the city and everyday life, youth have the opportunity to form deep connections with their peers and mentors, creating a support system that extends far beyond their time at camp.

Moreover, the challenges and triumphs experienced during their stay at Camp DREAM help build resilience and confidence, empowering youth to overcome obstacles and pursue their dreams with determination.

Join the Adventure

As we eagerly await the arrival of summer and the adventures that await at Camp DREAM, we invite you to join us on this journey. Follow along as Philly youth discover the magic of the snowy season and embrace the transformative power of nature.

Together, let's celebrate the joy of adventure, the beauty of friendship, and the endless possibilities that await when we step outside our comfort zones and into the great unknown. Here's to a winter filled with wonder, discovery, and unforgettable memories at Camp DREAM! 🏔️❄️🌟

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Rinah is a sophomore at UPenn where she majors in Psychology. She served during summer 2023 and now is a mentor with our UPenn Village Mentoring chapter. She has been playing the cello for 8 years, produces and composes music, and enjoys writing and painting. 

Summer 2023 Wrapped: 

Rinah served a group of about 15 children at Lucien E. Blackwell in West Philly. She was on a team with 3 other Summer Enrichment Coordinators and one Youth Service Manager. 

What was the highlight of your service?

Zoo day was such a fun and busy day! It wasn’t a highlight because it was the smoothest-running field trip, but having a small group to tour around the zoo made time for me to really bond with those kids. I had them each tell me a couple of things that they really wanted to see and had the kids lead the tour of the zoo. There was one particular boy in my group who usually had a hard time engaging in programming, but he just shone at the zoo and took the lead on being everyone’s tour guide - he was in his element, so happy and excited! The kids were having such a good time that they were more than happy to comply with the expectations put in place and were staying together as a group being so kind to each other.

What were the challenges you experienced? 

Sometimes it was difficult to get the kids excited about the program activities, particularly because we tried hard to incorporate learning components each week. Our team wanted to do presentations every day to go with the theme, and sometimes they didn’t want to sit down for a long presentation. To get the kids interested and engaged we would start each week by writing and performing a rap about the theme that week! Ultimately they adjusted their approach to meet the kids where they were at. 

Sometimes it was hard to navigate sibling relationships, almost half of our kids came from shared households and conflicts from home would come to programming as well. We did a lot of work to resolve conflict together by helping them top into emotional awareness and begin to process what they were feeling deeper than what was on the surface. The best way to mitigate and resolve behavioral challenges was to actually talk to the kids, take time to truly listen to their perspectives and work through what was going on together.

Are there any notable or special moments you want to share? 

On Fridays we usually had lower attendance and the Free Library would come to Lucien to read books and provide activities that aligned with the books. They offered a Disney Day one day which was held at the police station. There was a big fair with Disney characters, a bouncy castle, food, and even a parrot that could sit on the kids’ shoulders. It was so fun! 

Sometimes we would have free time in the gym and I showed them the game Sharks and Minnows - I had low expectations for how much they would like it (sometimes things just don’t hit with kids, haha!), but they LOVED the game and started asking to play it all the time. They ask for it now at the Village Mentoring program and it warms my heart to have a little legacy with the game I shared with him. 

How would you describe your DREAM experience in a phrase or a few words?

More play than work! All the time, the kids are having fun and being funny - it really didn’t feel like work, even during the times when we needed to be more firm with boundaries. Once the expectations of the summer were established, it felt like I was really able to be fully present with the kids and enjoy the summer together since we all got so comfortable with one another.

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In the heart of our summer program, where laughter and curiosity intertwine, an extraordinary adventure unfolded - an indoor rock climbing field trip that not only tested physical limits but became a powerful catalyst for personal and collective growth. This thrilling escapade, meticulously planned by our summer manager, Kaylyn, aimed not just to engage the kids in a new physical activity but to encourage appropriate autonomy, promote a growth mindset, and go beyond conventional learning experiences.

Kaylyn's Challenge:

Kaylyn, our visionary summer manager, recognized the kids' zest for physical activities and sought to elevate their experiences. She embarked on a personal challenge to plan the entire rock climbing field trip, going beyond the routine and traditional, and providing an opportunity for the kids to exercise appropriate autonomy. From coordinating with the facility to handling all communication, permission slips, and family outreach, she emphasized continuous improvement in her leadership skills and set the stage for a transformative day ahead.

Mentors Embracing New Heights:

The challenge extended beyond the kids to our dedicated summer members and mentors. They embraced the opportunity to learn the art of belaying, fostering critical thinking skills and ensuring the safety of their young charges as they scaled the walls. One mentor, recognizing the need for a different approach, got personal with the challenge, taking the lead in offering support to kids who required a break. This adaptive response not only showcased the mentors' commitment to equity but also highlighted their dedication to the well-being and growth of each child.

Kids at the Crossroads of Challenge:

For our young adventurers, the rock climbing excursion was a tapestry of challenges. They navigated unfamiliar terrains, learned the intricacies of rock climbing safety protocols, and faced the empowering decision of choosing their challenge level. The trip not only served as a microcosm of life's challenges but also encouraged future thinking as each child envisioned themselves conquering new heights.

Bonding Over Challenges:

As the day unfolded, a sense of camaraderie emerged among the kids, mentors, and Kaylyn. The shared challenge became the cornerstone of conversations, creating lasting memories and fostering a sense of unity. The rock climbing adventure became more than a physical feat; it became a shared triumph, a testament to the strength found in facing challenges together. The use of an equity lens ensured that every child felt supported, and continuous feedback contributed to their ongoing development.

In the tapestry of our summer program, the indoor rock climbing field trip stands out as a vibrant thread, weaving together moments of challenge, growth, and camaraderie. Kaylyn's initiative to plan the trip, mentors learning to belay, and the kids navigating the heights symbolize the transformative power of embracing challenges. Through this shared experience, we've not only scaled the heights of a rock climbing wall but also reached new summits of resilience, teamwork, and personal growth. The echoes of this adventure continue to reverberate in our conversations, reminding us that growth flourishes in the face of challenges, and together, we can conquer any climb that life presents. As we hold youth to their goals, we pave the way for a future where challenges are embraced, continuous improvement is celebrated, and the spirit of adventure propels us beyond our wildest imaginations.

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